Student Consumer Information



在这里,您可以找到公开披露的消费者信息, 包括具体的内部政策和程序, 以及《esball官方网》要求的信息披露, accreditation and licensing standards, and various regulations.


根据1974年《贝博esball官方网站》(FERPA)和《esball官方网》的要求,学院将每年向所有在校生分发一份信息可用性通知. esball官方网将根据要求提供整个页面链接信息的纸质副本.


esball官方网仅在紧急情况下向有关各方披露教育记录中的个人身份信息,如果需要了解这些信息以保护学生或其他个人的健康或安全. 学校遵守美国爱国者法案对FERPA的修改. FERPA contact information: Family Policy Compliance Office马里兰大道400号,美国教育部. SW, Washington, DC 20202-5920; phone: 1-800-872-5327.


Disability Services Center

Student Diversity

Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Price of Attendance

Tuition and Fees

2023-2024 Financial Aid Award Guide

Payment Information

College Navigator Website

The US Department of Education’s online search tool for consumers provides basic, comparable information, in this case, for Rhode Island College, 旨在为学生和他们的家庭提供可靠的数据来源.

Net Price Calculator

esball官方网的净价格计算器计划教育费用. New, 全日制本科生申请人或未来的学生可以使用我们的净价格计算器(将很快重新发布)来估计和计划教育费用.


Refund Policy

Financial Aid Frequently Asked Questions

Textbook Information

Official Bookstore

Educational Programs

Programs, Majors and Minors

Academic Rhode Maps

2023-24 Rhode Map documents

Instructional Facilities

The Rhode Island College Campus Map has details for the following buildings: Adams Library; ALEX AND ANI Hall; Alger Hall; Building 3; Building 6; Building 8; Building 26 (Student Athlete Success Center); Clarke Science; Craig-Lee Hall; Donovan Dining Center (includes faculty center & student media center); Fogarty Life Science; Forman Center; Gaige Hall; Guardo Hall; Henry Barnard School; Horace Mann Hall; Murray Center; Nazarian Center for the Performing Arts; Recreation Center; Roberts Hall; Sherlock Center on Disabilities; Student Union; Whipple Hall; Yellow Cottage.

Faculty and Staff

People Directory

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Academic Advising Documents and Resources

Student Advising Resources

Faculty Advising Resources

Academic Advising and Support

Office of Academic Support


Transfer Students



Certificate Programs


Transcripts (How to Request)

Transcript Request Process


Policy for Responsible Computing

The College prohibits students from uploading, downloading, posting, publishing, transmitting, retaining, reproducing, sharing or distributing in any way information, software, movies, music, books, 受版权或其他所有权保护的物品或任何其他材料, without obtaining permission of the owner. 违反此政策可能导致学生通过学院的互联网系统访问互联网的权限被终止, 并违反了学生行为准则. 学生也应该意识到,未经授权的版权材料的分发, 包括未经授权的点对点文件共享, 学生是否需要承担民事和刑事责任. In general, 任何被裁定对民事侵犯版权负有责任的人,可被责令支付不少于750元但不超过30元的实际损害赔偿或“法定”损害赔偿,000 per work infringed. 对于“故意”侵权,法院可以对每件侵权作品给予高达15万美元的赔偿. 法院也可以酌情评估诉讼费和律师费. 有关详细信息,请参见美国法典第17章第504,505节. 故意侵犯版权也可能导致刑事处罚, 包括最高5年监禁和最高250元罚款,000 per offense. 欲了解更多信息,请访问美国版权局的网站,特别是他们的常见问题解答. 未经授权的点对点文件共享是违反法律和学校政策的. 学生参与未经授权的点对点文件共享, 包括非法下载和未经授权分发受版权保护的材料, 是否会受到纪律处分,包括停学或开除学籍.

Student Involvement & Leadership − Student Activities

Student Activities

Office of Student Life

Career and Job Placement Services

Career Development Center

Title II - Higher Education Act

Financial Aid Programs 提供有关联邦政府援助的信息, state, local, and institutional programs, 以及优先贷款安排和私人教育贷款. The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) may also be a helpful resource.


学院将向所有在校生发放关于预防吸毒和酗酒计划的通知, 这解释了学生在获得第四章联邦财政援助期间,在任何联邦或州法律下,因持有或销售非法毒品而被定罪后的一段时间内,将没有资格获得第四章联邦财政援助.

Office of Finanancial Aid 为学生借款人提供入学和退出咨询的信息. 我们的财务援助工作人员行为准则(教育贷款机构行为准则)也可通过财务援助办公室访问.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Alcohol and Other Drugs


Vaccination Policies

Health Services

Campus Security Policies, Crime Statistics, Crime Log, Emergency Response, Evacuation Procedures, Timely Warning Procedures, Fire Safety Policies, Fire Statistics, 消防日志和失踪学生通知程序

Annual Security Report


Upon written request, 学院将披露任何暴力犯罪或非暴力性犯罪的所谓受害者, 学院对涉嫌犯下此类罪行或罪行的学生进行纪律处分的结果. 如指称受害人因犯罪或罪行而死亡, 应向所称受害人的近亲提出书面请求,提供这些资料.




Policy and Procedure



Retention/Graduation Rates

Retention and Graduation Rate Trends - 2022-23

College Navigator (Choose Rhode Island College from the list)

Job Placement/Graduate School Placement

Survey Research

Passage Rates for Licensure Examinations

U.S. 教育部民权办公室

This searchable database 根据《esball官方网》(EADA)的要求,由每年提交的体育数据组成(通过基于web的数据收集), 所有接受第四章资助的男女合校的高等教育机构(即, 那些参加联邦学生援助计划的学校)和有校际体育项目的学校.

Athletic Information

Voter Registration

根据高等教育法,esball官方网提供 voter registration information to students. 任何在下次选举时年满18岁的美国公民都有资格登记投票. 请利用以下资源获取投票信息. Download voter registration forms at 如果你已经登记并想要一张缺席选票, 联系你所在县/州的县选举委员会. 更多投票信息,请访问美国选举援助委员会网站


View the policies and documents.

Effective Date: 1/12/2021

Rhode Island College Updates

通过您的移动设备接收esball官方网的重要文本更新. Text "RIC" to 80543 接收重要的esball官方网更新信息和数据速率可能适用.

By opting in to this service, 您同意使用自动电话拨号系统接收移动文本提醒. 同意接收营销短信不需要作为购买任何商品或服务的条件.


STOP Information

Text STOP to 80543 停止接收来自esball官方网esball官方网更新信息(您将收到确认文本).

HELP Information

当学生带着父母来见教师时,学生应该提供书面批准,包括父母, 否则家长可以在办公室外面等着.

For additional information, text HELP to 80543 or email

Supported carriers are: AT&T, Sprint, T- mobile®,Verizon Wireless, Boost, Cricket, MetroPCS, U.S. Cellular, Virgin Mobile, Google Voice, ACS Wireless, Advantage Cellular (DTC Wireless), Appalachian Wireless, Atlantic Tele-Network International (ATN), Bandwidth, Bluegrass Cellular, Buffalo Wireless, CableVision, Carolina West Wireless, Cellcom, Copper Valley, C-Spire Wireless (formerly Cellsouth), Cellular One of East Central Illinois, Chariton Valley Cellular, Cross (dba Sprocket), Duet IP, Element Mobile, EpicTouch, GCI Communications, Golden State, Hawkeye (Chat Mobility), Hawkeye (NW Missouri Cellular), i Wireless (IOWA Wireless), Illinois Valley Cellular, Immix (Keystone Wireless / PC Management), Inland Cellular, Mobi PCS (Coral Wireless LLC), Mosaic, MTA Communications, MTPCS / Cellular One (Cellone Nation), Nex-Tech Wireless, Panhandle Telecommunications, Peoples Wireless, Pine Belt Wireless, Pine Cellular, Pioneer, Plateau, Revol Wireless, RINA, SI Wireless/Mobile Nation, SouthernLinc, SRT Wireless, Thumb Cellular, Union Wireless, United, Viaero Wireless, West Central Wireless, Leaco, Nemont/Sagebrush. T-Mobile不负责延迟或未发送的信息.

We take your privacy seriously. Please visit our privacy policy.

Rhode Island College entrance


Office of Institutional Research and Planning

Institutional Research & 规划通过为内部和外部利益相关者提供准确的信息来支持学生的成功, timely, 为推动学院使命前进的决策提供适当和可用的信息和分析.

Office of Financial Aid
